Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ

  • 1. How to contact you?

    Answer: You first go through all the chapters, which is the invitation to the participant, and in every chapter, there is a preface, scheme, and form. You have to fill the form to participate in the scheme.

  • Answer: Yes Investor can purchase and the purchase agreement will have certain conditions. The major condition is that the land has division of area for wholesale market, industry and for various type of commercial and service location. Please read all the schemes. On resale of land, the new buyer has to abide by all the conditions agreed by the first buyer. Moreover, the wholesale market is also divided.

  • Answer: Not yet. We are just taking your token of interest so that the land division and blocks of shop can be decided.

  • Answer: We have not yet started any advertisement. We are waiting for project approval. More over we are working on government benefits to Rishab Unique Industrial Park. So Pre Approvals are required. Just to know your interest and find out the type of wholesaler wish to come will help us in structure design. After your token of interest. We shall resign the shops and invite your criticism. So that it can be modified. To find out who is interested in the wholesale shops and industry only those people will invited for suggestions.

  • Answer: Yes, you can get a loan against a booking of shop/ factory land after your payment of 20% for the next instalment loan can be against your personal guarantee and proposed property and RUIP guarantee the bank will charge interest @ 9.2%. The model of re-payment is 3-5 years and the instalment will be due next month of loan. You can also take a clear loan against property on full payment of shop 2% discount will be given.