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Rishab Unique Industrial Park
(RUIP) (रुईप) (ਰੂਇਪ)

RUIP is sponsored by Kaler Biopharmachem Pvt. Ltd to give fuel to business with advance technology. Since 20 to 30 years back the Amritsar city has built the wholesale market and industry at segregated places. These places are not taken care of cleanliness and are also missing many amenities including community centre. They are in the congested area and the customers are also finding lots of difficulty to reach at wholesaler physically. The existing system of wholesale is also likely to collapse with the increase of demand. The demand may possible shift to online sale purchase on portals like Amazon and Flip kart etc.
In RUIP, a large area is selected and shall be available at economical rate to promote your business. The huge area of parking is available in RUIP wholesale market and a large area is kept for big parking which will be sufficient for next 20 years. Since large number of shopkeepers and industry are located in the one area, which will have advantage of togetherness. It is started with a slogan of “Togetherness is strength” . There are 21 type of wholesale market and there are 74 blocks separate for each type of wholesale market and similarly the industries also separated as red, orange and green category.
The park is established as per the guideline of the Invest Punjab and PUDA/RERA regulations in about 300 acres of land. The total 9472 wholesale shops are in 81 acres of land including 105 ft. front road of wholesale market, 50 acres of land for warehouse and transport including warehouse roads and 156 acres of land for industries including industry roads, 2 acres for community Centre, 1 acres for STP, 2 acres for ETP and STP of industry, 4 acres for shopping mall and five star hotels, 2 acres for exhibition ground, 2 acres for Zoo, children park and club. The area dedicated for particular purpose will not be diverted and mixed and there is no residential area in the park keeping in mind the conversion of wholesale area into residential area.

Relationship Officer(RO)

Preface for Relationship Officer: RUIP (रुईप) ( ) (Rishab Unique Industrial Park) is established by legal name Kaler Biopharmachem Pvt. Ltd. is run by Managing Director Ramesh Arora Kwality Pharmaceuticals Limited, Amritsar as Director of Kaler Biopharmachem Pvt. Ltd. and by Managing Director of Kaler Biopharmachem Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Deepak Bansal, New Delhi. It is located at Amritsar-Pathankot Road on National Highway NH-54 and it is 7 Km away from GT Road NH-1. It is established in 300 Acres of Land. The park permission will be granted by PUDA/RERA. The park can have 50% commercial & residential area and 50% industrial area. The benefits to the park are given by Invest Punjab and the central government in various schemes. The approval of park will be taken after getting the interest of the participant. The type of participants is industrialist, Wholesalers, Investor and Service Providers. The park is opened with the theme of strength of togetherness. The whole world including China knows that the collective area for industry, wholesale can make a pathway of growth. The scattered area is always expensive and less attractive to the customer. The role of RO (Relationship officer) is to understand the policy for wholesaler, industrialist, investors and service provider which is mentioned in the separate part on the website. The RO will be suitably awarded for their efforts of booking the participants.

Industrial Park

There is a provision of industrial park in Invest Punjab Portal and PUDA notification 5780-5816/CTP (PB)/SP-135 dated 24.09.2021 which also permits green belt as industry with zero water discharge. They also permit 50% commercial area. However, we have keeping about 156 acres of land for industry. However for industries requiring land more than 100 acres can also show their interest and as the accessible land available is more than 1100 acres.
Industries of one category at one place will prove better services of environmental control and pollution control. So the area has not been divided. Only the token of interest is taken with some information so that the plot cutting should be done keeping in view the category of industry i.e. Red, Orange, Green and land requirement with length and breadth.


The park opens opportunities for investor small and large. Those who cannot work and want to live on rented income in their old age or wish to have additional income on investment with property appreciation are welcome. The small investors can invest in shops, warehouse and the large investor can invest in building like; colonies, shopping mall and hotels. The small investors for wholesale shops and warehouse can buy a super structure without land. Whereas, the large investor for colonies, shopping mall and hotels can buy land and an agreement for usages as per committed development of same item for which it is purchased.

Wholesale Market

About Amritsar, the city is not planned for wholesale market. The wholesale markets which are shifting from around Golden temple area to IDH market are also not segregated. The other wholesale market appeared in residential areas and later on the residential areas are converted in to commercial area. Many more wholesalers came into the area by following others. Now it has become inconvenient for the buyer to visit the wholesale market of one category. The retailer of village have normally different variety of purchases, he is to visit many markets which are away from one and another. In RUIP we have a common market place for 21 type of wholesale business. The list of markets is mentioned is under common list under serial no. 1. There are 74 blocks which are segregated for each category of goods.

Virtual office and showcase

We inviting in this portal all the enterprises outside Amritsar to open a window in community centre and exhibiting their product and hiring the services of community centre who will arrange the conference of wholesaler with the manufacturer. The requirement of the wholesalers fulfil by the manufacturer as per the choice of wholesaler who will give the feedback of their customers. It will help the manufacturer to get the feedback and requirement of the actual customer.
They can produce or improve as per requirement. Moreover, the imported stuff will be also exhibited by the wholesaler in the community centre which will be useful for manufacturer. The conference arrangement of wholesaler and manufacturer can be done one to one or with multiple wholesalers and one manufacturer or multiple manufacturers and multiple wholesalers. All the arrangement will be done by the staff of community centre.
Payment terms and steps of payment for Virtual office and showcase or Physical shops and exhibit showrooms for Entrepreneur
1. Step-1: The interested participant will fill the form by giving token of interest of Rs. 1000.
2. Step-2: The participant who needs a virtual office with common warehouse facility which will be charge as cubic meter of area covered with monthly rent. The rate of per cubic meter is Rs. 200. However, service charges of loading and unloading, separation and invoicing shall the extra. The other services of such offices is coding of their material and communication by email for dispatch or storage.
3. Those who need only showcase in the community centre they can take space to keep and almirah of samples or wall hanging or video exhibition. They will be charged Rs. 5000/month.
4. Step-3: The participant who needs physical office with common warehouse facility will be charged as per step-2 and for physical office and office of 12 x 36 feet is available on the fourth floor on the purchase or rent as per chapter 11 for wholesale market.
Works Starts on January 2023.Planning and approval period August 2022 to January 2023.

Transportation & Courier

We invite the transport & Courier services in the large area of RUIP industrial Park. Wherein we have invited for 19 types of wholesale market from cloth to hardware. We have total area of 300 acres which is distributed as under in which we have sufficient place for transport.

The transport is also at different places of the city and now all the area is so congested and the operation of free transportation is affected. The out of city moment and entering into city also with the restriction of time. Since, we are inviting all wholesale market in one place and some industry at one place. The transportation is important part. Moreover, the warehousing of certain branded good also requires movement to surrounding areas.
As a primary inquiry, we are collecting forms showing your interest in Transport Company and warehouse. The form is very simple, asking for certain questions and personal contact numbers. The form also have indication of your interest for future communication. The scheme will be implemented as soon as by 1st January 2023. The gateway of payment is also mentioned on the form available on website.
The Floor area is 12 feet x 60 feet and parking area for each transport is 12 feet x 30 feet. The road ahead of Transport Company is 60 feet. The total road is 90 feet. The cost of shop cum warehouse is Rs. 60 lakhs to be paid with schedule.
Terms and Condition of Transport & courier shop:
There is pre-determinant site for Transport Company. The total number of shops cum warehouse are 100 feet.
1. The cost of ground floor is Rs. 60 Lakhs to be paid in instalment as per agreement.
2. The areas also have following small shops.
2.1 Stationary Shop
2.2 Mobile Shop.
2.3 Web cafe.
2.4 Food Shop.
1. Bank finance is available for own shops.
2. Payment terms of shops:
2.1 The payment of the shop cum warehouse will be paid in instalments of 20% of value per month up to 80% and the last payment will be given only on the possession.
3. For Rent seekers:
3.1 The shops cum warehouse are also available on rent i.e. 0.5% of its value. For example Rs. 30000/month for capital cost of Rs. 60 Lakhs.
4. For Financer:
4.1 You can finance the shop cum warehouse as per payment terms. The person seeking rent will be introduced to you.
5. The major condition of an agreement besides other conditions at the time of agreement the area allocated for a warehouse and transport shall be used only for warehouse, courier and transport.
6. Please select the relevant heading of the website.
7. Form Fees to fill the token of interest is Rs. 1000
8. Works Starts on January 2023. Planning and approval period August 2022 to January 2023.
This offer of shops cum warehouse is open for relationship officer and transport and Courier Company.

Service Provider

I am talking about Amritsar. The town planner of the city has not shaped the city and never prepared a map which shows the wholesale markets. The wholesale markets appeared in residential areas and later on the residential areas are converted in to commercial area and more wholesaler came into the area thus it become convenient for the buyer to visit in one market for different variety of purchases but one thing remain common, the cloth which have many segments remained in Shastri Market, Karmon deori, Katra Ahluwalia, Katra Jaimal Singh, Tahli Sahib, Guru Bazar and near Golden Temple also. This is not only the situation of wholesale cloth market but also with other markets like; plastic goods, herbal wholesale market, chemical and flavours market, wholesale hardware market, electrics and electronic goods market, medicine & surgical item market, automobile parts market, wholesale furniture market, building material and sanitary goods market, wholesale grain market and maniari.

Small Shops and Rehri

Kindly go through this project of establishing a huge area for wholesale market and industry. We are inviting thousands of business persons. Since the large shops are expensive. A small area under the stair case is kept for Type-1 Tea and snack shops, Type-2 Mobile Repair, mobile parts and mobile, Type-3 stationary, railway and flight ticket booking, Photostats, scanning and typing is kept at lower price so that the wholesales can take the advantage of their facility. The form for applying small shops is provided.

The Scheme for Small Shops in Wholesale Market:
Highlight of the scheme:
1. Design and number of shops:
1.1 162 shops of small business.
1.2 At least 2 shops after 68 shops nearby.
1.3 All shops on ground floor.
1.4 Size of the shop is 6 x 10 = 60 sq.ft (internal area) with exception of certain shops of 6 x 12 = 72 sq.ft.
1.5 Area in front of shops 6 x 36.
2. Cost and source of funds for shops:
2.1 The price of the shop is Rs. 8 lakhs on ground floor Size 6 x 10 and 10 Lakhs Size 6 x 12.
3. Payment terms of shops:
3.1 The payment of the shop will be paid in instalments of 20% of value per month up to 80% and the last payment will be given only on the possession.
4. For Rent seekers:
4.1 The shops are also available on rent i.e. 0.5% of its value. For example Rs. 500/month for capital cost of Rs.10 Lakhs.
5. For Financer:
5.1 You can finance the shop as per payment terms. The person seeking rent will be introduced to you.
6. The major condition of an agreement besides other conditions at the time of agreement is the shop allocated for type-1 and type-2 cannot be changed from their designed places.
7. Please select the relevant heading of the website.
8. Form Fees to fill the token of interest is Rs. 1000
9. Works Starts on January 2023. Planning and approval period August 2022 to January 2023.

Research & Development

The community centre will have an R&D centre in various fields. The R&D centre will help the manufacturer and the wholesaler to generate new designs, new cloth, new jewellery for this purpose community centre will provide very low price area and will also make available against bank loan and government schemes loan and free money.

It is important to explain here that the wholesaler as well as industry can take the help of innovation centre of food products. The wholesaler can generate new products and patent it and get it manufactured from anywhere. It is also pertinent to mention that it the mind of a wholesaler who always have interaction with the real buyer can better develop a product then industry.

Type of R & D Centre invited: 1. New innovation in Food industry.
1.1 Development of new food items.
1.2 Development of new method of working.
1.3 Written procedure of manufacturing and testing.
1.4 Development of factory area and design.
2. Cloth Development.
2.1 Development of new type of cloth as per generation requirement.
2.2 Development of already developed world over cloth but not available in India.
2.3 Written procedure of manufacturing and testing.
2.4 Development of factory area and design.
3. Hardware tools.
3.1 Development of new type of tools as per generation requirement.
3.2 Development of already developed world over tools but not available in India.
3.3 Written procedure of manufacturing and testing.
3.4 Development of factory area and design.
4. Building and construction.
4.1 Development of new engineering tools for building and constructions.
5. Electric and Electronics.
5.1 Development of new electronic devices of communication like; interactive panel, voice command computers, AI tools and software.
5.2 Development of household electronic goods with sensors for on off switches.
6. New innovation in Paint industry.
7. New innovation in Furniture industry.
8. Any other proposal for development centre.

The Scheme for R&D Centre:
Highlight of the scheme:
1. Who will bear the cost of setup?
The person who wishes to put up the centre with his investment and take the responsibility of profit and loss is invited and he is fill the form as a token of interest.
2. Who will run the Centre?
The person who wishes and have a confidence and have an experience can prepare a project for investor of R&D centre has to show a token of interest by filling the form.
3. Who will pay the running cost?
The person taking the use of the invention or taking the services of centre will pay the running cost.
4. Cost of the community centre:
1. An area of about 20000 sq. feet is kept for all type of R&D centre.
2. The cost of area will be about Rs. 3000/sq. feet dually partition area.
5. Please select the relevant heading of the website.
6. Form Fees to fill the token of interest is Rs. 1000
7. Works Starts on January 2023. Planning and approval period August 2022 to January 2023.

Testing Centre

Preface for Testing Centre:
The community centre will have Testing centre in various fields. The testing centre will help the manufacturer and the wholesaler to test the inputs for the production and the produced goods. Beside this the testing centre will have been establishing the In process quality control lab (IPQC) inside the industry. For this purpose community centre will provide very low price area and will also make available against bank loan and government schemes loan and free money.
It is important to explain here that the wholesaler as well as industry can take the help of testing centre for food products, medicines, cloth, hardware tools, paints, building material, electric and electronic products, wood and other metals. It is also pertinent to mention that the testing is a validation of the manufacturers produced products. It is a good decision for wholesaler to get the all manufactured products tested which they are marketing in their brand name. The certificates of outside testing lab also generate goodwill and can win the confidence of customer.

Type of Testing Centre invited: 1. Food Products.
2. Cloth quality as per declaration.
3. Hardware tools as per specification.
4. Building material.
5. Electric and Electronics goods for their efficiency and fuel consumption.
6. For Paint industry for their claims of quality specifications.
7. Testing of wood for furniture industry.
8. Testing of Medicines.
9. Any other proposal for testing centre.

The Scheme for Testing Centre:
Highlight of the scheme:
1. Who will bear the cost of setup?
The person who wishes to put up the centre with his investment and take the responsibility of profit and loss is invited and he is fill the form as a token of interest.
2. Who will run the Centre?
The person who wishes and have a confidence and have an experience can prepare a project for investor of testing centre has to show a token of interest by filling the form.
3. Who will pay the running cost?
The person taking the use of the invention or taking the services of centre will pay the running cost.
4. Cost of the community centre:
1. An area of about 20000 sq. feet is kept for all type of TESTING centre.
2. The cost of area will be about Rs. 3000/sq. feet dually partition area.,
5. Please select the relevant heading of the website for scheme and fill the form.
6. Form Fees to fill the token of interest is Rs. 1000
7. Works Starts on January 2023. Planning and approval period August 2022 to January 2023.

Food Sale on Rehri

Preface for Food Sale on Rehri:
As you know the industrial park is coming up with 9000 wholesale shops and Zoo and community centre in which about 5000 persons will work in the offices as a staff. The staffs always need food 24 hours. Moreover there is a Zoo nearby selected area of Rehri Market. The Rehri’s are the most suitable options and in the park there is a place dedicatedly made for Rehri which is under a roof. The approximate area is 5000 sq. feet. The selected Rehri’s are invited whose food is economical, hygienic and tasty. This area is free for them.
The electricity is also provided as lightning only. No charges but the selection of the Rehri are done on the basis of price and quality. We are also requesting any person beside RO to fill the form for appropriate Rehri person because we presume most of them are uneducated but expert in food preparation. Both Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian food makers can apply. Please get the form filled. It is free of charges. Works Starts on January 2023. Planning and approval period August 2022 to January 2023.

Daily Workers

The daily worker is also invited who can do the job on hourly basis or and daily basis, job contract basis are invited to register them self with their phone number. Since there is a big wholesale market and industry, some time daily workers are required by wholesaler and industries. There is a need to register in advance so that they should be called by message or Whatsapp to come into the work place in park. Please fill the form and registered yourself. If, you find any difficulty to register yourself, kindly contact our helpdesk mobile number on website and they will registered you or find someone who can registered you.


We invite the entrepreneur having a experience in warehousing to serve the warehousing faculties in RUIP industrial park. We invite them for purchase of warehouse and store the good of wholesaler or industries or importers on their warehouse. Those not having experience in warehouse but they wish to buy a warehouse for their income can also purchase a warehouse. The warehouse is available as common warehouse and land for warehouse. Specified area is design in the park for warehousing. E-facility of storing and withdrawal of goods is also available. The scheme of warehouse describing the price is mentioned below. The warehouse will have also available facility of fork lifter and pallets. Both open area and mobile rack fixed area is available. The transport facility is also available near the warehouses.
Type-1 warehouse:
The Floor area is 65 feet X 60 feet with 20 feet height with 12 racks of 55 feet length and 08 feet width suitable for 678 pallets size 1000 X 1200 mm. Total area in 800 cubic metre almost 12 container of 40ft HQ goods can be store or 24 trucks of 25 cubic area can be accommodated. The warehouse is made of concrete and is saleable as structure with racks. There is space of 8 feet in front of racks and 12 feet on side of racks for transportation of goods and washroom. The cost of this area is Rs. 3 crore to be paid with schedule. This is suitable for a big wholesaler or person giving rack area or pallet area on rent.
Type-2 warehouse:
The is a area of 12 feet X 36 feet like wholesale shop with 08 feet veranda without any fitting. The cost of this area is Rs. 35 Lakhs to be paid with schedule.
Terms and Condition of Warehouse: There is pre-determinant site for warehouse. The total numbers of shops cum warehouse are in 40 acres of land.
The cost of type-1 warehouse is Rs. 3 crore and Rs. 35 Lakhs for type-2 warehouse to be paid in instalment as per agreement.
1. Bank finance is available for warehouse.
2. Payment terms of shops:
2.1 The payment of the warehouse will be paid in instalments of 20% of value per month up to 80% and the last payment will be given only on the possession.
3. For Rent seekers:
3.1 The warehouses are also available on rent i.e. 0.5% of its value. For example Rs. 150000/month for capital cost of Rs. 3 crore.
4. For Financer:
4.1 You can finance the warehouse as per payment terms. The person seeking rent will be introduced to you.
5. The major condition of an agreement besides other conditions at the time of agreement the area allocated for a warehouse shall be used only for warehouse.
6. Please select the relevant heading of the website.
7. Form Fees to fill the token of interest is Rs. 1000

Zoo, Chidren Park and Club

We invite the interested person who has an experience in running a zoo & children park and wish to have their own zoo in this large industrial and commercial area. All the three segments can be given separately to three different participants or can be collectively given on participant. The land near the entry point of the park, near shopping complex and hotel site will be made available for outright purchase or on lease. The scheme mentioned the price. Area of 2 acres of land is kept for this purpose in the park.
Terms and Condition of Transport & courier shop:
There is pre-determinant site for Zoo, Children Park & Club in 2 acres of land.
1. The cost of land at outright purchase is Rs. 2.5 Crores/acres.
2. The land is also available on rent/lease. In which 8 month rent is exempted and after this period the owner has to pay entry fee for each visitor to be decided after discussion.
1. Bank finance is available
2. Payment terms of land:
2.1 As mutually agreed after discussion.
3. For Financer:
3.1 The financer has to arrange the managers to run the Zoo, Children Park & club.
4. The major condition of an agreement besides other conditions at the time of agreement the area allocated for the purpose of Zoo, Children Park & club cannot be changed.
5. Please select the relevant heading of the website.
6. Form Fees to fill the token of interest is Rs. 1000
7. Works Starts on January 2023. Planning and approval period October 2022 to January 2023. This offer of Zoo, Children Park & club is open for relationship officer and also directly by the actual participant.

Shopping Mall

We invite the interested person who has an experience in running a Shopping Mall and KFC Type Shops and wish to have their own shopping mall and KFC Type Shops in this large industrial and commercial area. The land at the entry point of the park, and the hotel is on the top of the shopping mall. The scheme mentioned the price. Area of 4 acres of land is kept for this purpose in the park.
Terms and Condition of Shopping Mall and KFC Type Shops:
There is pre-determinant site for Shopping Mall and KFC Type Shops in 4 acres of land.
1. The cost of land at will be decided after discussion. 2. Anybody wishes to a shops in the mall can also show his interest. The price of the shop will be decided later.
1. Bank finance is available
2. Payment terms of land:
2.1 As mutually agreed after discussion.
3. For Financer:
3.1 The financer has to arrange the managers to runthe Shopping Mall and KFC Type Shops.
4. The major condition of an agreement besides other conditions at the time of agreement the area allocated for the purpose of Shopping Mall and KFC Type Shops cannot be changed.
5. Please select the relevant heading of the website.
6. Form Fees to fill the token of interest is Rs. 1000
7. Works Starts on January 2023. Planning and approval period October 2022 to January 2023. This offer of Shopping Mall and KFC Type Shops is open for relationship officer and also directly by the actual participant.

Incubator for start up & flourishing the new idea of entrepreneurs

We invite the interested person who has an experience in running an organization that helps budding start up to reach next level of development. They help them properly fine tune the business to meet and demo products for potential buyers. They also have in accelerating the business in every step of journey. They are very helpful to the new comers with the new idea and the old entrepreneur with new idea. They help in giving the process to achieve the goal and remain with them till end of journey. For the development of this industrial area such incubators are required to promote the business of wholesaler and industry and food industry. Also read R&D Centre and testing facility chapter which are related. The area will be allotted to them in community centre. The scheme mentioned the price.
Terms and Condition of Incubator for start up & flourishing the new idea of entrepreneurs:
There is community centre floor are for Incubator for start up & flourishing the new idea of entrepreneurs. The area is allotted in the community centre as per requirement of incubator.
1. The rent will be highly economical and the facility will be made as per their requirement.
2. If the rent is not acceptable to the incubator based on his efficiency the area can be provided with no cost but on sharing of profit earning from the entrepreneur.
3. Anybody wishes to incubator for start up & flourishing the new idea of entrepreneur can also show his interest.
1. Please select the relevant heading of the website.
2. Form Fees to fill the token of interest is Rs. 1000
3. Works Starts on January 2023. Planning and approval period October 2022 to January 2023.
This offer of Incubator for start up & flourishing the new idea of entrepreneurs is open for relationship officer and also directly by the actual participant.

Exhibition Ground

We invite the interested person who wishes to exhibit their product temporary during exhibition period and permanently. There is an exhibition ground which operates from time to time. For example; during the marriage season, the marriage garment are exhibited by wholesaler and manufacturer. The advertisement of exhibition will be made in the villages and city to call the retailers (This exclude customer who are consumer) and similarly before the arrival of winter season exhibition of wholesale and factories for winter cloths. Similarly, for the summer. This is temporary exhibition of ground which will be generated for a short period of 10 to 15 days or as per suggestion of the participant. There are other wholesale markets in the complex. The above is the example for the cloth but this type of exhibition is applicable for all category of wholesaler. This type of exhibition helps the wholesaler to get introduction with new retailers and the manufacturers of their category of item.
There is a permanent exhibition of goods. This exhibition of goods on the third floor of the every wholesale market where a manufacturer and importer can exhibit his product. The range of product is same as in the block selling the wholesale goods. For example; if the block of readymade garments then the permanent exhibit office shall be on their third floor only for readymade garments. This is different from chapter no. 5 which has exhibit office in community centre.
Terms and Condition Exhibition Ground & Permanent Exhibitor:
There is an exhibition ground in 2 acres is for temporary exhibitors and the area for permanent exhibitor is on the third floor of each market.
The only manufacturer and wholesaler can participate in this chapter.
The permanent exhibitor can purchase a shop like wholesaler of chapter 4 on the third floor and can also keep their employees and book the orders for factory. The shops are also available for rent. A combined hall is also available for rent where more than one factory can exhibit their goods.
1. Please select the relevant heading of the website.
2. Form Fees to fill the token of interest is Rs. 1000
3. Works Starts on January 2023. Planning and approval period October 2022 to January 2023.
This offer of exhibitor is open for relationship officer and also directly by the actual participant.

Human Resource Services

As you know the industrial park is coming up with 9000 wholesale shops, industry and Zoo and community centre in which about 5000 persons will work in the offices as a staff. We invite the interested person who wishes to be a Human resource procurement officer for wholesaler and the industry. This HR can arrange the staff for them, run the training school, keep account of their salary and keep the record of ESI & provident fund.
As a primary inquiry, we are collecting forms showing your interest in above activity of holding an office of HR. The form is very simple, asking for certain questions and personal contact numbers. The form also have indication of your interest for future communication. The scheme will be implemented as soon as by 1st January 2023. The gateway of payment is also mentioned on the form available on website.
Scheme of HR Services:
* There is no charge for application of HR.
* The job of HR is to work for many wholesalers and small industries.
* The payment to the HR will be contribution from industry.
* The community centre will provide him space and facility which is chargeable based on earning sharing. It is free for first 8 month.
Terms and Condition of HR Services:
The HR office is in community centre.
1. Please select the relevant heading of the website.
2. Form Fees to fill the token of interest is Rs. 1000
3. Works Starts on January 2023. Planning and approval period October 2022 to January 2023.

Security Services

As you know the industrial park is coming up with 9000 wholesale shops, industry and Zoo and community centre in which about 5000 persons will work in the offices as a staff. We invite the interested person/company who wishes to give the security guard services to the community centre, general park area, wholesale market and industry. The security service should be capable of handling digital system like; Camera, location finder application, controlling the gate and also having their training centre for their own security person in the community centre.
Scheme of Security Services
* There is no charge for application of security services. Community centre will make the payment of security.
Terms and Condition of Security Services:
The HR office is in community centre.
1. Please select the relevant heading of the website.
2. Form Fees to fill the token of interest is Rs. 1000
3. Works Starts on January 2023. Planning and approval period October 2022 to January 2023.

Rehri Market Coordinator

As you know the industrial park is coming up with 9000 wholesale shops, industry and Zoo and community centre in which about 5000 persons will work in the offices as a staff. We are inviting the rehris to sell food items to the employees of the park. A contractor is required who will understand the policies of the community centre management and coordinates with rehri wala for settling their location, handling the disposals and also providing mobile service of food from the rehris. The coordinators also have the duty to training the rehri persons and generating their scientific operating procedure.
Scheme of Rehri Market Coordinator
* The Rehri Market Coordinator have certain duties like controlling the activities of rehri wala and handling the disposals and also providing mobile service of food from the rehris.
* The rehri market coordinator will collect the charges from rehri wala on the basis of their sale value. The charges will be fixed by community centre.

Terms and Condition of Rehri Market Coordinator:
The Rehri Market Coordinator office is in community centre.
1. Please select the relevant heading of the website.
2. Form Fees to fill the token of interest is Rs. 1000
3. Works Starts on January 2023. Planning and approval period October 2022 to January 2023.

Hygiene Maintenance

As you know the industrial park is coming up with 9000 wholesale shops, industry and Zoo and community centre in which about 5000 persons will work in the offices as a staff. We invite the interested person/company who wishes to give the Hygiene maintenance services to the park. The appropriate heavy machinery and storage space will be provided by the park community centre administration. The office will be also provided in community centre. The hygiene maintenance company should be capable of handling digital system like; entry of persons in the washroom areas, controlling the machinery and also having their training centre for their own employees in the community centre.
As a primary inquiry, we are collecting forms showing your interest in above activity of hygiene maintenance in the park area. The form is very simple, asking for certain questions and personal contact numbers. The form also has indication of your interest for future communication. The scheme will be implemented as soon as by 1st January 2023. The gateway of payment is also mentioned on the form available on website.
Scheme of Hygiene Maintenance of Park Area
* The Hygiene maintenance company has certain duties like cleaning the community centre and washrooms of the community centre.
* The community centre will make the payment to Hygiene Maintenance Company and will also provide the heavy machinery and storage space.

Terms and Condition of Hygiene Maintenance of Park area:
The Hygiene Maintenance of Park office is in community centre.
1. Please select the relevant heading of the website.
2. Form Fees to fill the token of interest is Rs. 1000
3. Works Starts on January 2023. Planning and approval period October 2022 to January 2023.

Canteen Services

As you know the industrial park is coming up with 9000 wholesale shops, industry and Zoo and community centre in which about 5000 persons will work in the offices as a staff. We invite the interested person/company who wishes to give the canteen services in the community centre and out of community centre as a mobile service. The appropriate machinery and area will be provided to build the canteen and restaurant. The person or company should be capable of handling digital system like; software of canteen and controlling the canteen work and shall be able to provide homely at economical price.
As a primary inquiry, we are collecting forms showing your interest in above activity of holding a canteen in community centre. The form is very simple, asking for certain questions and personal contact numbers. The form also has indication of your interest for future communication. The scheme will be implemented as soon as by 1st January 2023. The gateway of payment is also mentioned on the form available on website.
Scheme of Canteen Services:
* The community centre will provide the appropriate machinery and area to build the canteen and restaurant.
* The food provided to the visitors will be on charges.
* The community centre will not charge any fee for 8 months.
* Community centre will take a portion on sale amount.
* The community centre will provide PBX and friends software systems.

Terms and Condition of Canteen Services:
The Canteen services office is in community centre.
1. Please select the relevant heading of the website.
2. Form Fees to fill the token of interest is Rs. 1000
3. Works Starts on January 2023. Planning and approval period October 2022 to January 2023.

Maintenance Related Services

As you know the industrial park is coming up with 9000 wholesale shops, industry and Zoo and community centre in which about 5000 persons will work in the offices as a staff. We invite the interested person/company who wishes to give the maintenance related services to the park. The appropriate heavy machinery and storage space will be provided by the park community centre administration. The office will be also provided in community centre. The maintenance company should be capable of handling digital system like; complaint software, complaint handing staff and training centre for their own employees in the community centre.
As a primary inquiry, we are collecting forms showing your interest in above activity of maintenance related services in the park area. The form is very simple, asking for certain questions and personal contact numbers. The form also has indication of your interest for future communication. The scheme will be implemented as soon as by 1st January 2023. The gateway of payment is also mentioned on the form available on website.
Scheme of Maintenance Related Service:
* The community centre will provide the appropriate machinery and area to build the workshop.
* The community centre will not charge any fee for 8 months.
* Community centre will take a portion on sale amount.
* The community centre will provide PBX and friends software systems.

Terms and Condition of Canteen Services:
The Maintenance Related Services office is in community centre.
1. Please select the relevant heading of the website.
2. Form Fees to fill the token of interest is Rs. 1000
3. Works Starts on January 2023. Planning and approval period October 2022 to January 2023.

Worker Training Program

As you know the industrial park is coming up with 9000 wholesale shops, industry and Zoo and community centre in which about 5000 persons will work in the offices as a staff. We invite the interested person/company who wishes to give the maintenance related services to the park. The appropriate heavy machinery and storage space will be provided by the park community centre administration. The office will be also provided in community centre. The maintenance company should be capable of handling digital system like; complaint software, complaint handing staff and training centre for their own employees in the community centre.
As a primary inquiry, we are collecting forms showing your interest in above activity of staff training to the employee of the park participants. The form is very simple, asking for certain questions and personal contact numbers. The form also has indication of your interest for future communication. The scheme will be implemented as soon as by 1st January 2023. The gateway of payment is also mentioned on the form available on website.
Scheme of Worker Training Program
* The community centre will provide the appropriate IT equipment, studio, training area and office.
* The community centre will not charge any fee for 8 months.
* Community centre will take a portion on sale amount.
* The community centre will provide PBX and friends software systems.

Terms and Condition of Worker Training Program:
The worker training of park employee office is in community centre.
1. Please select the relevant heading of the website.
2. Form Fees to fill the token of interest is Rs. 1000
3. Works Starts on January 2023. Planning and approval period October 2022 to January 2023.


Based on Token of Interest

Based on Token of Interest
(74 blocks 128 shops in each block, total number of shops 9472)

Based on Token of Interest

Based on Token of Interest

Small Shops and Rehris
Based on Token of Interest

Emergency 24 x 7 open

Fire Brigade

Transport & Courier Services

Research And Development Centre

RUIP Site View
Area Location
Wholesale Market in Amritsar

Facilities List

List of Wholesaler showing their intrest in RUIP

List of Type of Wholesale Market